Libtards search Harvard Grad’s room for firearms and get her evicted!

I want to start by saying we are not condoning with what the room mates and landlord did nor are we siding with them nor are we saying she should not have firearms or is not entitled to her second amendment rights but this situation is entirely fucked up. According to FoxNews a Harvard graduate student was told she has […]

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Man shoots himself in the groin in the meat department at walmart!

Ah, yes. The People of walmart. They arent the smartest or the brightest but damn are they entertaining. You cant even begin to make up half the shit that happens there. Well they have struck again. This time some genius managed to blow a hole in his groin after the pistol he was carrying UNHOLSTERED […]

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Hickock Shoots Himself in the Foot LITERALLY!!!

Negligent discharges happen. Sometimes no one is hurt and sometimes the individuals shoots themselves or unfortunately another person. And now it seems to have caught up with Hickok45. However, in true Hickok45 fashion he takes the opportunity to show you how to properly carry your old single action revolver. The old time cowboys got this […]

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The P.E.W. Review. How does it stack up against the big boys?

Tj Kirgin AKA Sig Glockncolt takes the P.E.W. out for a head to head test against his Fatal 15. The P.E.W – Port Enhanced Weapon System for Glock Slide Compensation and Barrel Porting- The mad scientists at Wise Lite Arms took Gaston Glocks “C” series concept and made it better by integrating the porting into […]

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Let MANTIS X help Improve your shooting!

In a perfect world everyone could afford to take a course put on by top tier operators. However, that is simply not the case. Many courses can run up into the thousands and that’s not including the price of ammunition. Its not just the cost of ammunition. Many do not have 3 or 4 days […]

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Study Finds Increase Violent Crime Not Linked To Concealed Carry

On October 22, Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership (DRGO) presented new research regarding concealed carry to the American College of Surgeons 104th Annual Clinical Congress.  The biggest highlight from this research is that increased conceal carry does not affect or increase violent crime. As you can imagine many gun grabbers try to relate lax conceal carry laws to violent crime yet […]

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Franklin Armory Announces their new AK Binary Trigger system!

The company responsible for the popular AR binary triggers has decided to show the combloc rifles some love! A press release from Franklin Armory showcases the new trigger. The BFSIII AK-C1 has three positions; Safe, semi and binary. which allows for fire on the pull and release of the trigger. AK-47 BINARY TRIGGER BFSIII AK-C1 by […]

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Meet Sig Sauers new belt-fed!

Our friends over at SoldierSystems stumbled upon something we just had to share. At AUSA 2018. Sig Sauer unveiled a new belt-fed. But thats not all. They also revealed their new MCX-MR chambered in 7.62×51 and a new hybrid round! With the Army’s plans of switching over to 6.8spc Sig Sauer is already working towards […]

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Putin on the Rit… Trigger?

Russian President VLadimir Putin put Kalashnikov’s newest rifle the SvcH-308 or also referred to as Chukavin’s sniper rifle through its paces during a visit to the companies range in Kubinka. The rifle comes in two calibers, the 7.62×54 and the NATO standard 7.62×51 cartridges. The version in 7.62×51 is being aimed at foreign markets (see […]

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Cure the Itch for the HK slap without selling your soul.

Firearms enthusiast the world over revere the MP5 as one of the most iconic subguns in history and as a result want to add them to their collection but with an MSRP of $2600+ for a semi auto SP5K and limited availability it is simply out of reach for many gun owners. Luckily there are […]

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