Trump Blast Mattis as “Overrated General.” Mattis Replies!

It would seem there is still some Tension between the President and Former Defense Secretary Jim Mattis. After the president called him the “Worlds Most Overrated General” Mattis fired back.

According to the MilitaryTimes President Donald Trump called former Defense Secretary Jim Mattis “the world’s most overrated general” during a tense White House meeting Wednesday with lawmakers over the growing Syria/Turkey conflict, according to sources familiar with the meeting.

The incident wasn’t the first time Trump has attacked the popular former Marine Corps general, once one of his most highly praised Cabinet officials. But since Mattis announced his resignation from the top Defense Department job last December, the president’s view of Mattis has increasingly soured…

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Of course. Mattis who is very well known for his speeches did have the perfect response during a fundraiser for needy kids in New York, ““Some of you were kind during the reception and asked me if this bothered me, to have been rated this way, based on what Donald Trump said. I said, ‘of course, not. I earned my spurs on the battlefield; Donald Trump earned his spurs in a letter from a doctor‘,” the former Secretary of Defense said.”">