I would imagine if theres Russian fudds they are losing their minds right now probably screaming, “If you cant do it with 9 rounds you shouldn’t have a gun” or something similar. But you cant tell us that the Makarov isnt Russias equivalent of the 1911 in that respect its old as hell and been around forever.

The Makarov Pistol, introduced in the 1950s, became the standard military and police sidearm and now over half a century later Russia has finally decided to replace the Makarov with the Udav (Russian for “boa constrictor”)! The casing for the udavs ammunition is 3mm longer than the 9×18 making it more powerful and the pistol itself can hold 18 as opposed to the Makarovs 9.
Al igual que los legendarios fusiles Kalashnikov la pistola Udav es muy fácil de ensamblar. pic.twitter.com/sfMdiHS7bs
— Sputnik Reporteros (@Sputnik_Report) June 26, 2019
According to RT The state-of-the-art Udav handgun, described as one of the most powerful pistols in the world, has begun a trial run with the Russian military. It is intended to replace the sturdy but aging Makarov sidearm, in use since 1950s.
The Udav (‘Boa’ in Russian, a blunt-nosed snake) was cleared for mass production after successfully passing the state tests, which saw the weapon exposed to dust, sand and temperatures ranging from minus 50 to plus 70 Celsius.
The handgun’s futuristic design isn’t just for looks, as it provides the option of using the Udav with a silencer and a laser scope.
A civilian version of the new Russian handgun will be released later this year, with the producers saying that Udav will be able to challenge the likes of Colt, Walther and Glock…
Check it out in action below!