YouTuber makes $300 at gun buyback with scrap!

You gotta admit for a couple bucks worth of scrap pipe this guy made out like a bandit. Might have to keep this in mind for the future… Writes

The homemade gun maker and ex-professional YouTuber took a trio of rough project pieces from his extensive collection and made some scratch.

Taking up a Columbia, Missouri buyback on their offer of $100 for each unwanted firearm forked over, Royal Nonesuch brought in three pipe guns that he explains all had grave design flaws. The above video documents his reasons behind disposing of each DIY and the eventual transfer of no-questions-asked funds.

“I don’t have too much time or energy invested in any of these guns,” he says, intending to use the money collected towards future gun purposes.

Also, the event, conducted out of a guy’s car, looks kinda suspect.

According to local media, the buyback was organized by a local businessman and funded through crowdsourcing and private donations. In all, 41 guns were collected to be turned over to the Columbia Police Department for disposal.

Nonesuch, who crafted scores of homemade firearms that he exhibited through his once-popular YouTube channel, says he has largely backed away from the platform in recent months because of new content policies aimed at censoring content, though he has set up new digs on Full30, a more gun-friendly platform.