[VIDEO] 7-Eleven clerk caught on video disarming shotgun-wielding would-be robber

A Maryland convenience store clerk is being hailed a hero after he was caught on camera disarming a would-be robber who pointed a shotgun at his face.

*EDITORIAL NOTE*– I get that the shotgun wasn’t loaded. And I know there are going to be a million and one people saying the clerk “should have done this…” or “…he did it all wrong…” etc. Here’s the rub to all you “Tactical Experts” out there. You weren’t there. You weren’t in that situation. At that moment, for that clerk, it was life or death. He did what he had to do the best way he was able too, at that moment. So stop the arm chair quarterbacking and shoosh your mouths.

(FOX)- In the footage, the clerk at a 7-Eleven in Frederick never flinches as he grabs the barrel of the gun and wrestles it out of the suspect’s hand.

Police obtained information the next day that led them to arrest 18-year-old Ryan Wages and charge him with the robbery attempt, Fox 5 DC reported Saturday.

“[The man] pointed it at my employee and started screaming at my employee, screaming in his face, and [my employee] grabbed [the gun] and took it out of the guy’s hands,” store owner Abdul Ayub told the paper.  “And the guy ran out of the store, so now the police have the gun and he didn’t get anything.”

Deputies told the paper that they were able to determine that the shotgun wasn’t loaded.

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