The US Is Not The World Leader In Mass Shootings!

The left and gun grabbers go to great lengths to fudge numbers and statistics to make it appear the United States leads the world in Mass shootings. They rely on emotions and feelings to try and take away your right to bear arms. They are not just coming for the “assault weapons” they have openly stated they are coming for ALL guns and are pushing the narrative and rhetoric in their favor.

In a report covered by PJ Media many of these facts are completely bogus.

Sure, if you following conservative media, you’re probably aware of this. Townhall, The Daily Signal, Bearing Arms, FEE, The Washington Examiner, and others have all previously reported on how the myth that the United States leads the world in mass shootings is based on a deeply flawed study, which has been debunked by the Crime Prevention Research Center.

Yet, the myth remains alive and is sure to be regurgitated endlessly again.

read more!

The following video explains why it’s bogus:

It is our job as responsible gun owners to fight this misinformation and to make our voices heard. Do not let gun grabbing propaganda go unchecked.">