The Beta Uprising, Radicalized Nerds Turned Killers from Lack of Pussy!

Its taken a couple days to write this one. But I wanted to make sure before I embarked on this editorial our shit was straight but we are about to go down ANOTHER crazy rabbit hole. This one more disturbing than the last. Its unbelievable that people like this exist.

But the scenario sounds familiar another story where a young man is radicalized on the internet and carries out an act of terror. Which organization does he represent? Who did he spill blood for? Who did he claim to become a martyr for? Just reading this statement many would be inclined to think of groups such as Isis or Al Qaeda and for those thinking that you’d be wrong. He actually represents a group of men or subculture online who believe they are owed sex. Yes that’s right. These boys. I refuse to call them men at this point believe that just because they are “Nice guys” and perform favors or agree with their female counterparts are owed sex so much to the point that they eventually come to despise females or the males they give their attention to. There is a whole online following of these self proclaimed “nice-guys” so to speak. But they have been given another name which they embrace. “Incels” or short for involuntary celibates. Most of the time the only people Incels are a danger too are themselves however a few have taken their violent beliefs and fantasies offline and committed horrendous acts in various countries around the world.

The left nor the right do not want to have ANYTHING to do with them.

Post like the one below are all too common on their forums. This particular post is in reference to the Norway shooter who killed 77 people.

screenshot from an incel forum regarding the Breveik shooter.

The extremity of their posts eventually lead reddit to ban any incel subreddits a few years ago.

Most recently you may recall a shooting in which the shooter was stopped immediately well because its Texas according to the Dallas News One meme he shared referred to a “Chad rampage” vs. a “virgin shooting” — the Chad vs. virgin trope is a common “incel” meme, which is short for “involuntary celibate.” The meme contrasted how two men — a “Chad” and a “virgin” — would go about carrying out a shooting.

In the memes, “Chads” are strong men who can attract women, unlike weaker “virgins.” and like the women that are rejected are also potential targets.

These memes are common amongst the Incel community.

So how much of a threat are incels? Well Task&Purpose recently covered a safety brief done by Andrews Air Force base on the threat of INCELS shortly after the Dallas shooting. We are not kidding. (If anyone has the full brief we’d love to see it.)

and there are more than a few cases in which they have moved their actions from online to the real world.

Like other shooters we WILL NOT GIVE THEIR NAMES the light of day.

In 2014 one of the most notorious Incels killed six people in a stabbing and shooting spree He shot two women outside a sorority and stabbed three men to death. He then traveled around firing at random injuring 14 and fatally shooting a man.

The 22-year-old posted a “retribution” video to YouTube and emailed a document to several people he knew before taking his own life. The Incel community latched on to the document and considers this disgusting human being a hero.

Two more attacks took place in 2018,

The first of which took place in April of 2018, a Toronto a man drove his van into a crowded sidewalk in Canada’s largest city in , killing 10, posted a Facebook message minutes before the attack that suggested sexual frustration as his motive: “The Incel Rebellion has already begun! We will overthrow all the Chads and Stacys! All hail the Supreme Gentleman Elliot Rodger!”

The second occurred in Florida in November according to Buzzfeed the shooter killed two women and injured four others in a Florida yoga studio Before the shooting, he raged against women online for years, calling them “sluts” and “whores” in videos, and recorded songs in which he talked about ripping off a woman’s head and chaining a woman up in his basement to rape her. This one was a former Army Lieutenant who was discharged for inappropriate contact with women according to Task and Purpose.

and lastly the deadliest occurred in Norway in which the an incel killed eight people with a vehicle borne ied and shot and killed 69 people in 2011.

Recently the parkland shooter was found to be an INCEL according to a Video from the 5th estate.

Are all Incels shooters or killers? Probably not but something is not rightas a majority of the post on their forums are fucking disturbing. These killers are not role models. Nor are they supreme gentlemen as some posters would put it.

Ladies its come to the point where you need to do more than just say no. Saying no can trigger one of these psychos. There have been cases where women have been murdered just for saying no. Give them a fake number. Make an excuse find an out. Additionally, many bars offer safe escape roots from Johnny Creeper.

However the most important thing we can get across to you is to GET YOUR CCW! There is absolutely nothing wrong with carrying a firearm. A restraining order isn’t going to cut it anymore and the police cannot get there soon enough. It is absolutely imperative to get trained, get a firearm you are comfortable with, and CARRY! EVERYWHERE, EVERYDAY, ALL THE TIME!">