Tacticalshit Visits EVGA At Twitchcon2019

FDE Fat Dark Earth and Ron aka InsanePeon with Military & Veteran Gamer’s check out all the RGB over at the EVGA Booth, check out all the EVGA gear seen in the video HERE: https://www.evga.com. EVGA mostly known for their graphics cards and power supplies is expanding their product line and bringing you a wide variety of RGB items including an keyboard with a built in screen. Additionally, they are putting out a new RGB audio card.

If you’re wondering what is some of the hardware that we use to edit some of our video content. EVGA is definitely on the list!


TacticalShit invaded twitch con and FDE was there to bring us this awesome experience. TacticalShit sponsored the Military & Veterans Gaming booth for the event, providing gear booth materials, giveaway items, nudes, and more!

We’re kidding about the nudes.

Eitherway we are going to be covering the amazing things we found during out time at the event from gear, streamers, and other awesome shit!

The Military & Veterans Gamers Group is the largest veteran-affiliated gamer community in the nation and is comprised of over 3000 members who have served in uniform, to include family members & friends. Though it should be noted that membership is open to anyone who proudly supports the United States and her allies. More importantly they are doing great things for active duty and veteran alike! They have an excellent support team of chaplains and a veteran peer support team available to those seeking help in their time of need. They also mentor those who are interested in serving even throughout their career.

In the past they have hosted several 24 Hour live-stream on their channel and were able to raise over $1000 per event to send care packages to those deployed downrange.
