Hogg and company March on the NRA!

These idiots are never going to stop which is why it is so important to stay vigilant and active in the fight to uphold the 2nd amendment. As we have said before just merely posting on Facebook IS NOT ENOUGH! You have to be active. More active than these gun grabbing baffoons. You need to write your congressman on key issues. You need to show up to the ballot box and you need to support organizations that fight to uphold our constitutional rights. The time for playing around is over. Its time to get serious and beat these morons at their own game!

BreitBart reports

Parkland gun control activists David Hogg and Emily Gonzalez joined with the National Organization for Change to “March on NRA” Saturday.

On July 29, 2018, Breitbart News reported that the National Organization for Change had secured permission to march in front of NRA headquarters in Fairfax, Virginia.

Upon announcing the march, the National Organization for Change set forth “demands,” including an “assault weapons” ban, a “high capacity” magazine ban, background checks on private gun sales, and revoking the tax-exempt status of the NRA.

Days later the “March on NRA” added a demand for new regulations on downloadable 3D gun files.

WTOP reports that Hogg and Gonzelaz joined with march participants Saturday morning.

Michael Bloomberg-funded Moms Demand Action had a booth set up at the march as well:

March on NRA today in Fairfax outside NRA Headquarters @WTOP pic.twitter.com/YhBuMG42xE

— Melissa Howell (@Mhowell003) August 4, 2018

Actress and gun control proponent Alyssa Milano…

Read more!

There was however counter protesters at this event and some students went to start a dialogue with the Pro 2nd amendment attendees. One man made a great point as to why does everyone instantly flock to the idea of banning an inanimate object instead of going after the root cause.

Unfortunately this video was cut short.
