Footage has emerged of the Navy’s inspiring sky drawing. NSFW!

It was only a matter of time until someone came forward with a video. Still as funny as the day it happened.

Funker350 reports

The U.S. Navy has been making waves after one of their pilots drew a penis in the sky. Here is the video you’ve been waiting for.

Between surrendering to the Iranians while wearing white socks and crashing multiple ships across the globe, it’s no secret that the US Navy has been slipping over the years. Yet, out of the blue, literally, they have redeemed themselves with their finest accomplishment since killing Bin Laden.

As a result, Sky Penis Gate has spawned a series of questions that may never be answered for the general public. Who was this mystery pilot? What was his, or her, intention? Why was the sky penis sack drawn in a figure 8 instead of the more traditional shape of a porta potty penis? Are the Marines involved? Did the Army pay the pilot to draw it as a dedication to the lost porta potty art in Kuwait? Was the pilot punished, or applauded when he, or she, returned to the tarmac? What was the deeper meaning to this entire image? Why did this person record the actions of our brave pilot in vertical mode?

We may never find the…

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