Armless Florida Man Stabs Chicago Tourist.

…and a blind man was an EYE witness to the crime!

With this article a new category has been added to our news site. FloridaMan! Because you never know what this crazy bastard is going to do next and anytime the title has FLORIDA in it you know its gonna be good.

According to FoxNews

An armless homeless man in Miami, Florida has been charged with stabbing a Chicago tourist with scissors.

Jonathan Crenshaw, 46, used his feet to hold scissors and stabbed Cesar Coronado, 22, Miami Beach police said Wednesday.

Crenshaw told police he was lying down just after midnight Tuesday when Coronado kicked him in the head. The man then allegedly stabbed Coronado twice before fleeing the scene, according to the arrest report.

A friend of Coronado’s, however, said the two asked Crenshaw for directions when he suddenly stabbed Coronado in the arm.

Coronado was taken to a hospital, and Crewnshaw was charged with aggravated battery.

According to the Miami Herald, the…