[VIDEO] Moron Walks into PD Station with Rifle, guess what happens…

It is people like this douche nozzle that screw up society for the rest of us. This is why we can’t have nice things.

Okay, so you’re in Dearborne Michigan. A town that is rapidly becoming daesh central in the United States. You get pulled over by PD, and the sand stuck in your vagina is so irritating that you feel the need to walk into a Police Station to file a complaint armed with an AK-47 and DRESSED LIKE A DAMN TERRORIST!!!

For the LOVE OF GOD!!! REALLY????

How many years did this dude eat lead paint chips while living under high tension wires?

For Fuck’s sake!!!!

Now the guy moderating in the video OBVIOUSLY doesn’t know his weapons and calls the AK on the dumb asses chest an “A.R.”; that’s beside the point. The main thing here is, “Tacti-Cool Timmy” and his obese moron best friend are hands down, the DUMBEST pieces of sh*t I have seen in a LONG TIME!!!!!!

Guaranteed this douche canoe reads our blog.

Dude, if you’re reading this, you’re a disgrace and a pair of clown shoes.

