[VIDEO] Be My Woobie- Music Video

In life, there is love. Then there is WOOBIE LOVE!

“Woobie” is the nickname given to the poncho liner that is issued to all service persons deploying in the field. Warm and soft, ridiculously comfortable; non-service Veterans have next to no clue about the bond that develops between a soldier, sailor, airmen, marine; and their “Woobie”

In the field, far from home, simple creature comforts are a prized rarity. Whether it be a pack of charms candies in your MRE (Meal Ready to Eat), or even making “Ranger Pudding” with your cocoa powder from said MRE. All these things are crucial to mission success. But nothing, and I mean NOTHING is stronger and more comforting than a WOOBIE and it’s owner.

I still have mine.

Her name is Jolene.

She’s so amazing.

and warm.

and sensual.


………okay, I have to go now. She misses me.

don’t judge me…..


iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/album/id11216…
Range 15: http://www.Range15.com
Website: http://www.art15clothing.com
Coffee: http://www.blackriflecoffee.com
Mat Best FB: http://www.facebook.com/mbest11x
ART15 FB: http://www.facebook.com/Article15clot….
Instagram: Art15Clothing
Twitter: @Art15Clothing
