This is the new America. A book falls off a shelf and the sheep panic.

Already Forgotten JFK Airport Shooting That Wasn’t

It was chaos and then it was nothing. Old news. Barely any hind sight by the MSM. “A shooting” at JFK airport that sent masses of people fleeing in terror.

Applause of a group of people watching the Olympics resonating in the echo laden terminal send sheep fleeing in terror because it sounded like gun fire. Which in turn knocked over metal poles and partitions which also sounded like gunfire. The cattle stampede begins.

I have to stand back and wonder, how many Veterans, Law enforcement and pro 2nd Amendment folks were just standing there watching the chaos ensue because they know the difference between hands clapping and the sound of ACTUAL gunfire?

The media and the establishment have the huddled masses so on edge that they jump at the sight of their own shadows.


No shooter. No mass murders. N">