Revolver’s Analysis of the Kyle Rittenhouse Shootings: Open-and-Shut Case of Self-Defense

According to Revolver

In a surprising turn of events, the New York Times has done some actual, real investigative reporting and confirmed Revolver’s conclusion that the Kyle Rittenhouse shooting is an open-and-shut case of self-defense. Shockingly, the evidence turned up by the New York Times actually strengthens the case for self-defense.

It turns out that, before the first shooting, Rittenhouse was being chased by a gunman who actually fired a shot into the air. This little detail was actually missed by Revolver News in our initial review of the evidence. We did not realize that, in the first shooting, Rittenhouse was being chased by a gunman.

Only in a truly clownish world can a man who is being chased by an armed mob not fire a gun in self-defense after exhausting his duty to retreat.

Revolver News completely agrees with the New York Times analysis of the first shooting.">