Pro Gun Sanctuary resolutions mean nothing but could put police at risk

According to Firearmchronicles

Grewal, the state’s top law enforcement official under Gov. Phil Murphy, said he is troubled by “more extreme” versions of the non-binding resolution in which some municipal councils, and at least one county freeholder board, have endorsed a “sanctuary” for the Second Amendment. “My primary concern is not that law enforcement officers in New Jersey will stop enforcing firearm safety laws,” Grewal, who was appointed, said in a statement provided to NJ Advance Media. “My real concern is that these so-called ‘sanctuary’ resolutions will confuse otherwise law-abiding residents, who may incorrectly believe that they no longer have to comply with firearm safety laws, including carry laws and prohibitions on assault weapons, ghost guns, or large-capacity magazines,” he added. “This confusion can create serious risks for law enforcement and the public at large, with potentially deadly consequences. As we work to end gun violence across New Jersey, it is especially important that we make clear that our state’s firearm laws remain fully in effect,” Grewal continued.

In response, National Rifle Association board member Scott Bach defended the resolutions and alluded to Murphy, a Democrat who has signed into law additional gun control measures. “Leave it to the Murphy administration to find a way to object to towns vocalizing their support for the Second Amendment,” Bach, executive director of the Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs, said when contacted by phone Saturday.">