Philly demand to see ICE plans for raids

Two dozen protesters turned the tables on federal immigration authorities on Tuesday, demanding “ICE, show us your papers!” and filing a formal legal request for information on potential raids targeting undocumented immigrants. writes

“ICE operates with impunity,” said Erika Almiron, executive director of Juntos, one of the advocacy groups that led the demonstration in Center City. “As much as they demand our community show them our papers, it’s time for them to show us theirs.”

The protest took place amid the national debate over immigration, and only a week after President Trump announced he would rescind a program called Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), which bars the deportation of nearly 800,000 people who had been brought illegally to this country as children, and challenged Congress to deal with the issue.

Asked for comment, officials with ICE, which stands for Immigration and Customs Enforcement, issued a statement saying the agency “fully respects the rights of all people to voice their opinion peacefully without interference.”

Demonstrators gathered on Arch Street and marched north to the corner of Eighth and Cherry Streets, holding hand-lettered signs and shouting slogans through a bullhorn as they reached the ICE field office.

“What ICE is doing is just another attempt to criminalize black and brown people,” said the Rev. Gregory Holston, executive director of POWER, a faith-based activist organization. “We stand together. Show us your papers, ICE.”

“Every single day we have people caught in ICE’s cross hairs,” said City Councilwoman Maria Quiñones-Sánchez, who was among the demonstrators.

Organizers with Juntos, backed by more than 30 advocacy groups and civic leaders, said they had filed a Freedom of Information Act request to try to obtain ICE plans for rumored raids. Activists said similar filings were being made across the country at ICE offices.">