Kabul shaken by attacks on international charity and Defense Ministry

Gunmen stormed the headquarters of an international charity in the heart of Kabul and then battled police in an 11-hour standoff before being killed Tuesday morning, said the Afghan government.

(WashingtonPost)- The attack follows a devastating double bombing Monday afternoon against the Defense Ministry that killed 35 people and wounded at least 91 in the latest sign of the Taliban’s ability to attack at the center of the government’s power.

The string of incidents has prompted a state of emergency in the Afghan capital with government offices closed to the public on Tuesday and few shops and businesses in the downtown open.

The Shahr-e-Now district of Kabul, where the headquarters of CARE International was stormed after a car bomb was set off, is one of the most expensive neighborhoods in the capital and the heart of the city’s entertainment area with carpet and antique shops as well as restaurants and Internet cafes.

The attack will deepen the sense of insecurity and tension at a time when the U.S.-backed government is already facing criticism for failing to ensure security.

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