Hoooray!!!! We made “The Worst Things For Sale on the Internet” Blog

We have “Officially made it to the big time!”

We’ve come a long way in just a few short years! This is a proud moment, like watching your kid ride a bike for the first time without training wheels.

Our very own “Liberal Tears” gun oil has made it to “The Worst Things For Sale on the Internet” Blog!

This website that I have honestly never heard of, has listed our gun oil, “Liberal Tears” as one of the worst things for sale on the internet. No reason why it is one of the worst things. It just ‘IS’.

There is just a Liberal moronic anti-gun blurb and a picture. The writer is trying to be witty in the four sentence BLOG (I use that term loosely) by saying:

This bottle of gun lubricant is called Liberal Tears.

It’s bacon-scented.

If Obama hadn’t taken everyone’s guns away, then there would still be some guns to put this on.

Sad.” (See for yourself)

Whatever. Your Liberal Hatred is WHY WE DO WHAT WE DO!!! HA HA HA HA!!!! Haters unite and fail at your feeble attempts to make us feel bad about ourselves! Then go cry in a corner with your safe space tape up while you polish your participation trophies.

Red, White and Ben will be along shortly to harvest your “Liberal Tears”!

