Glock 43, the Glock booth at the NRA show 2015 Nashville TN

I am a GLOCK guy! I have been for years. It’s not a great weapon, it’s a great tool. The dependability of the firearms in my opinion is what makes it a stand alone icon for firearm reliability. My only issue with them has been the girth and bulkiness of their firearms has always made it difficult for me to carry concealed in warmer climates. When the G42 came out, I thought it was neat but found myself asking “.380? Really? Why not 9mm?”

Now the gang from Smyrna, GA are giving us the G43 single stack 9mm. WAY COOL! and IT’S ABOUT DARN TIME!!! Yes I will be buying one when they are released on the market in August 2015.

Here’s TJ, @ Tennessee checking it out.">