Every Day Carry. Every one has an opinion.

When it comes to carrying a firearm, everyone and their mother has an opinion on what to carry.

“Glock is better!”

“1911 is like Glock, only for REAL men…”

I have heard it all. The elephant in the room that nobody wants to discuss or even mention when it comes to EDC (every day carry) is this:


There. I said it.

You see, God has seen fit in his infinite wisdom, to make us all DIFFERENT! Different shapes, sizes, heights, hand sizes, body statures…

We are a smorgasbord of variety. So the fact that I personally prefer to carry my Glock 19 for my EDC, should have no bearing on anyone else. It is what I like to carry. It’s comfortable, durable and dependable. It functions well, for ME. It doesn’t mean that I think everyone should be carrying it. It may not be a good fit for other people.

I know a guy who carries a 5″ barrel 1911. Now as beautiful as the firearm is, that to me; is a big honking piece to be carrying. My body stature, and size; it would be just plain uncomfortable for me to carry. For him, it works just fine. My Glock 19 in his hands however, looks like a giant holding a child’s cap gun. It’s just not a good fit for him.

Firearm preferences are like opinions and belly button lint. Everyone has them.

So ease off on your whole holier than thou “my EDC is better than your EDC” soap box preaching. It’s pretty tiresome.

Carry what you’re comfortable with and stay safe all!

(Photo Credit: Courtesy of Irregular Mischief Publications, LLC)
