Communists Unite to Take Guns Away from Patriotic Americans

The Socialist Rifle Association of Minnesota released a post in a recent tweet that most freedom-loving Americans should find troubling at best and openly seditious at worst. “F*** the 2A,” it started. “We are not in favor of ‘guns for everyone,’ but rather of arming those groups who stand to benefit the most from the end of capitalism and disarming those who stand in our way.”

These people appear to be willing to massacre millions more in order to complete their communist dream. Because 100 million deaths at the hands of communists in the twentieth century weren’t enough?

We’ve seen time and again that many of these people have talents that are no better than the ordinary Joe Sixpack, if not far worse. They don’t, however, require super-Ninja abilities. They simply need to strike it lucky.

They believe they are righteous in their twisted cause, and far too many are eager to kill and/or die for their views.

The good news is that they are becoming even more adept at assassinating fellow travelers who they perceive are not “pure enough” in their ideological beliefs.

Remember, you can vote yourself into socialism, but you must shoot your way out.

Sure, these Socialist Rifle Association people could be internet-addicted social misfits looking for an easy way to feel special, attract attention, or have a sense of purpose in life. They have the potential to be incredibly dangerous, especially in a group, with a little mentoring from true zealots.">