Are Liberals who Buy Guns Hypocrites?

According to Firearm Chronicles

With millions upon millions of new gun owners in recent months, it’s safe to say that many of them are liberals buying guns for the first time. We can safely say as much because of not just how many have been sold, but also where many have been sold. We’ve seen people have their illusions about how easy it is to buy a gun be shattered by the harsh reality.

Many have looked at these liberal gun owners as hypocrites. After all, they’ve been trying to restrict our right to keep and bear arms for ages, but the moment they feel endangered, what do they do? They flock to the gun stores they’ve spent so long working to shut down.

However, a recent op-ed tries to present the case that these folks aren’t hypocrites at all.

People who support gun control but also want a gun often feel like hypocrites. They aren’t. March for Our Lives, for example, advocates a high standard for gun ownership, with a licensing system comparable to cars, more rigorous background checks and bans on what they call “weapons of war.” They probably should feel like hypocrites. After all, you can’t keep trying to infringe on someone’s right to own something, call the item evil and vile, call those who support the right to own that something as racist, then suddenly decide you should get a gun without either correcting your thinking or being an outright hypocrite.

Now, not all liberals are hypocrites about guns. There are liberals who actually support the right to keep and bear arms. There aren’t nearly enough of them, but they exist.">