Chelsea Manning threatens suicide!

A legitimate threat or a call for attention because TRAITORS are not relevant?

Breitbart Writes

Far-left political commentator, convicted intelligence leaker, and senate candidate Chelsea Manning threatened to commit suicide on Sunday, posting a suicide note and a picture of a rooftop ledge, before being reported to be safe.

“Im sorry – i tried – im sorry i let you all down – im not really cut out for this world – i tried adapting to this world out here but i failed you,” declared Manning in one Twitter post. “I couldn’t do this anymore – i can take people i dont know hating me but not my own friends – i tried and im sorry about my failure.”

Manning then posted a picture of a rooftop ledge, along with the caption, “im sorry.”

Although the tweets have been deleted, archives are available.

Twitter users immediately commented on the threat, attempting to…