ANTIFA is Taking Up Arms Against Trump

Just months ago ANTIFA was counter protesting the we will not comply open carry rally in Ohio(video below) and suddenly now Antifa wants firearms? Why you might ask? Because they are afraid of a crackdown by the goverment especially after the riots that took place in Portland over the weekend where an elderly man was attacked and a journalist was beaten and had his camera equipment stolen.

What we dont think Antifa realizes is the second they pick up big boy weapons they are playing by big boy rules.

Well now Antifa wants firearms to protect themselves from a crackdown by the president According to The New Republic Many members of the left believe that white nationalist terror is openly condoned and supported by the president and that his armed devotees won’t stand for his removal from office. Increasingly, Antifa is arguing—and training—in response. They are worried not only about an armed reckoning following a contested election, but also about rising violence from the paramilitaries loyal to the President.

As a result, many leftists and even some liberals are beginning to reconsider their feelings about firearms, joining a loose amalgamation of gun groups, from John Brown Gun Clubs (which take their name from the abolitionist) to the Pink Pistols (an LGBTQ group), Liberal Gun Club, and Socialist Rifle Association. Some of these organizations are moderate and traditionalist, others radical and revolutionary. But all share one implicit goal: to normalize firearms ownership and training among liberals. Some of their members hope such efforts will at least make Republicans think twice before attempting a massacre…