The Ohio Western Reserve National Cemetery in Rittman, Ohio had a ‘battlefield cross’ – a sign of honor and respect to the fallen, something valued by veterans of every branch. Until the Department of Veterans Affairs removed it because it was a “realistic” depiction of a gun. It’s a policy for all veteran’s cemeteries run by the VA. Seriously. Gunphobia in a veteran’s cemetery.

Uncle sam’s Misguided writes

The battlefield cross- a helmet, a rifle, and a pair of boots – is something that reminds every veteran that they are part of a brotherhood, and is a powerful tribute. To have it removed from a veteran’s cemetery because of the depiction of a gun is totally ludicrous.

“It’s a great honor. That’s your comrades recognizing you, what you did, who you are. You’re a brother, you’re a member of this military.” Vietnam veteran Bill Overton to Fox8

Our government actually promotes snowflake-itis among the populace, instead of standing strong in the face of criticism.

Political correctness run amok

Fox8 reported the ridiculous situation on October 16. They wrote,

Fox 8 spoke with the administrator of the cemetery, who told us that the removal of the battlefield cross was as a result of “guidance” from Veterans Affairs headquarters in Washington. The policy applies to all cemeteries operated by Veterans Affairs.

“I think it’s absolutely ridiculous, they don’t know anything about our country, our history, they don’t even know why they have the right to complain about it. The reason why they have the right is these guys right here. That’s why they have the right to do it,” said Overton.

When asked if the banning of the battlefield cross would apply to monuments as well, the administrator of the cemetery told us that the policy only applied to “three-dimensional” depictions of guns.

If a battlefield cross is used during a burial, it must be removed immediately after, according to the policy. But the “policy” is obviously created by people who know nothing of the culture of United States veterans. If some snowflake is upset over a 3 dimensional representation of a gun, then they should be told to run to their safe space and hide. Because we’re pretty sure a statue is going to hurt them.

“I have yet to meet the Soldier, Sailor, Marine, Airman, Coast Guard that isn’t upset over this,” said Overton. “They’re trying to change our history, and we’re not going to let them do it.’">