Two Marines Duke It Out In California Walmart!

Two men fight it out in a Walmart in both marines. Neither pressed charges. ABC7 claims it happened after one of the marines stole a box of crayolas from the others cart.

All joking aside. The fight actually occurred after a cart bumped into an elderly woman.

ABC7 reports that one was left with a broken nose after getting into a fight with another man at a Walmart in Murrieta on Black Friday.

Cellphone video shows the two men, one an active Marine and the other a retired Marine, in a physical altercation in the Christmas gift-wrapping aisle. The fight reportedly started when one of the men responded rudely to being bumped by an elderly woman’s shopping cart.

That’s when the other man came to the woman’s defense and the fight ensued.

A security guard had to break it up, but neither of them wanted to pursue charges against the other.

A spokesperson for Walmart issued the following statement…