Matt Gaetz Is About To RELEASE 14,000 Hours of Hidden J6 Footage….

Matt Gaetz has hinted at something big after giving RINOS nightmares over the House Speaker vote.

He told Charlie Kirk that Republicans intend to release 14,000 hours of footage beginning January 6th.

Democrats, it appears, have kept this footage from the public.

The tapes, according to Gaetz, “would provide a more complete context to that day rather than the cherry-picked moments of the January 6th committee.”

Is this a sign that we’ll finally get some answers?

Here’s more from Trending Politics:

During an interview with Charlie Kirk on his radio show on Tuesday, Florida Republican congressman Matt Gaetz announced that Republicans would be releasing 14,000 hours of January 6 tapes that have been hidden from the public.

Gaetz said that releasing the tapes “would give more full context to that day rather than the cherry-picked moments of the January 6th committee.”


I truly hope that this means we will get some answers to what really happened that day.">