Abolish ICE, Defund the Police, & Designate The NRA a Terrorist Group? Oh My!

Abolish ICE, Defund the Police, & Designate The NRA a Terrorist Group Is EXACTLY what Newly-Elected DNC Vice-Chair David Hogg Wants.

Possible paid actor &”Parkland shooting survivor”, David Miles Hogg is an American gun control activist and now trying his hand at American Politics.   Hogg, 24, was among three people elected to the position Saturday during a meeting in National Harbor, Md., just outside of Washington, DC, to elect the DNC’s next suite of leaders.

The Gateway Pundit writes

Hogg has embarked on a variety of unsuccessful political ventures including the March For Our Lives gun control protests, a failed boycott of Fox News and specifically The Ingraham Angle and the launch of the pillow company called Good Pillow, which was intended to put Mike Lindell’s MyPillow out of business.

While some of Hogg’s ideas have gained traction, none of them have ever achieved their intended goals of overturning the Second Amendment and putting Fox News and MyPillow out of business.

Among the ideas he has espoused, many through the megaphone of the X platform include abolishing ICE, defunding the police, and declaring the NRA a terrorist organization.

He also has an embarassing lack of knowledge about the U.S. constitution, once claiming that the Second Amendment was only designed to give each state the right to an armed national guard.

After four rounds of voting on Saturday, Hogg won 215 votes and Pennsylvania state Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta won 298 votes, more than the 205 votes needed for them to become vice chairs.

In his victory speech, Hogg promised to “kick some ass.”

“Who’s ready to take the fight to the Republicans and win this thing? Are you guys ready to fight? It’s been a long day, but guess what? We have a long road ahead,” he declared.

“Let’s go and kick some ass. Let’s go win our young people back, and let’s stop sending just our thoughts and prayers to address gun violence and do something.”

