WV Governor Signs Crucial Preemption Bill

According to Firearm Chronicles

U.S.A. -(AmmoLand.com)- While the news is filled with gloom and doom over Coronavirus scares, some good news came out of the West Virginia earlier today. WV Governor Jim Justice signed a bill that reinforces the state’s preemption law. Senate Bill 96 is part of a concerted effort by pro-gun politicians in WV to prevent anti-gun municipalities from passing anti-gun local ordinances that could restrict the rights of WV citizens.

The wording of Senate Bill 96 is very encompassing and deliberate. This is ideal for any legislation dealing with fundamental human rights as it helps prevent future politicians from resticting those rights by playing on the ambiguity them. See below.

Senate Bill 96 (a) Neither a municipality nor the governing body of any municipality may, by ordinance or otherwise, limit the right of any person to purchase, possess, transfer, own, carry, transport, sell, or store any deadly weapon, firearm, or pepper spray, or any ammunition or ammunition components to be used therewith nor to so regulate the keeping of gunpowder so as to directly or indirectly prohibit the ownership of the ammunition in any manner inconsistent with or in conflict with state law.

The NRA’s take is pretty similar, below is their full press release.
