Top Democrat Claims That Purchasing Guns Is Like Owning Slaves….

Even as Connecticut Democrat Sen. Chris Murphy is lamenting the fact that Joe Biden does not have the votes needed in a lame-duck Congress to outlaw assault weapons, Lefties should take heart. All is not lost. Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.) has deployed the most potent weapon in the Left’s arsenal to defeat the shadowy, all-powerful gun lobby. Not to mention, millions of Americans who would just like to be left alone and able to defend themselves and their families against a world that looks ever more like the apocalyptic landscape of the Mad Max franchise.

Clyburn has used his access codes to unleash the smart bomb, the WMD, the Holy Hand Grenade of the Left, against which there can be no defense.

Racism. Specifically, slavery.

Why? because everything that the Left does not like is racist or something-ist. Or something-phobic. Or like unto it. And against such a charge, nothing must be able to stand.

According to CNS News, The Gentleman from South Carolina and the current House Majority Whip made an appearance on “Face the Nation” on Sunday. Clyburn was queried about his opinion of the recent shootings at Club Q and the Chesapeake, Va., Walmart. He was asked by the host about how effective the laws are in keeping mass shooters from legally obtaining weapons. His response was:

“It tells me all I need to know. And that is, just because it’s legal does not make it the right thing. I tell people all the time, the institution of slavery was legal, but it was not right. Just because they purchased these weapons legally does not mean that’s what the law ought to be.”

— Lincoln Brown in Legal Gun Purchases = Slavery?">