One of the products making some waves at shot show, we didn’t see covered very much was Sim-X. Lead-free ammo has been around for some time, be it frangable, or copper projectiles, but nothing we have seen has come to the market quite like this product here.
SIM-X proprietary synthetic core is a heavy-duty material that behaves as a solid but has the characteristics of a non-Newtonian fluid. The result is a lightweight, SUBMASS™ projectile that achieves a better gas seal in the bore. This translates into very high velocities combined with perfect control over penetration and expansion, cycling the firearm without the need for weapon modification or +P pressures.

SIM-X SUBMASS™ bullet technology incorporates zero lead into any of our projectiles. It is estimated that other than the mining industry, shooting sports put more lead into the environment than any other industry. Regardless of what or where you shoot, SIM-X bullet technology leaves a clean footprint. THIS MEANS NO MORE LEAD FARMING!
Military installations, contract training facilities, law enforcement training range–Regardless of who and where, lead reclamation is a necessary and very expensive part of firearms training. A range that uses only SIMX ammunition would have none of these expenses outside of occasionally cleaning bullet traps. Approximately 1 million law enforcement officers train on indoor ranges in the U.S. alone. SIMX core material is 100% environmentally safe and exposure to it on a range poses no harmful risk. SIM-X ammo technology solves the lead problem. They don’t have to call their ammunition “leadless” or “lead free at the shooting line” because SIM-X ammunition is lead free, period. They don’t use lead; They use technology to make great bullets.
SIM-X bullet technology accomplishes what was before thought to be unattainable–penetration control regardless of velocity. Using our proprietary SUBMASS™ bullet core materials, combined with ultra-high velocities, we have achieved terminal bullet performance that is controlled and predictable shot to shot.
SIM-X technology yields rifle velocities in handgun/pistol calibers, without +P pressures or increased felt recoil. We are expanding the boundaries of pistol caliber velocities by increasing efficiency of the captured powder charge. With this increased efficiency we can generate rifle velocities in our pistol calibers that are twice that of traditional pistol rounds. SIM-X ammunition used in SBRs (short barreled rifles) achieves velocities typically only found in center fire rifle calibers. Higher velocity equals flatter trajectories with higher impact energy.
We don’t know about the defensive capability of this ammo, but the training possibilities with the eco friendly ammo is really where it shines in our eyes.