Poacher Crushed by Elephants Eaten by Lions.

Poachers trying to kill a rhino in Kruger National Park were in for a nasty surprise when a group of Elephants charged them as they were about to shoot. The poachers took off in multiple directions however one of them was not so lucky and was subsequently tramped to death by the pissed off pachyderms.

The Mirror Reports that the remaining poachers left their friend in the midst of the chaos and were arrested the next day when they returned to retrieve his body.

But No, Karma didnt stop there. After being trampled to death by the Elephants the Lions moved in for a free meal courtesy of 4 dumbass poachers. Why are they dumb? Because according to Glenn Phillips, managing executive of the reserve, said: “Entering the Kruger illegally and on foot is not wise as it holds very many dangers and this incident is clear evidence of that.” Most of these reserves have very strict policies regarding entry on foot as the above situation shows exactly why its a bad idea to be outside of a vehicle. Not much was left of the poacher save for his skull, scraps of clothing and a shoe.

According to The Sun the four arrested individuals remained in police custody and will appear in court for poaching soon.

In July last year at least three poachers were eaten by a lion pride at the Sibuya Game Reserve in Eastern Province, South Africa, after they broke into the park to hunt rhino.

Before you think the poachers are just impoverished people trying to feed their families. The truth is actually far from that.

Some things people don’t understand about poaching is that you don’t hear about everything else that goes a long with it. You can get mad and say it’s just people living in poverty trying to feed their families but the reality of it is, that’s only 5% of the people who do that are doing it for that reason. The rest either know what they are doing Is wrong, bribed to do someone else’s dirty work or they are pure evil.

This video let’s you see that there’s a bigger picture. You don’t hear about farm attacks unless you are in country. That’s where a lot of the firearms that are used in poaching comes from. The farmers are killed along with their families. Most of the time the family is usually tortured for many hours, the workers are killed and if there’s rhino or elephant on the property than they will kill them and take the horns, or tusks. They steal whatever is of value, money and firearms. Later in many cases when suspected poachers are arrested they are caught with firearms that were reported stolen in farm attacks.

This video is just one, there’s many of these.
