CBS’s Major Garrett: Trump ‘Did Not’ ‘Uphold American Values’ In Poland


Partial transcript as follows:

GARRETT: Good morning. The president said Poland is an example of courage in the face of oppression. He specifically praised Poland’s historic, but ultimately unsuccessful, resistance to Nazi occupation and its persistent efforts throughout the Cold War to undermine Soviet dominance here and throughout Europe. In a speech, Mr. Trump also hailed Poland as one of the few NATO nations that annually meet its defense spending obligations and, by the way, he praised it for buying millions of U.S. made weapons.

The President also criticized Russia’s invasion of Crimea in Ukraine and backing regimes in Syria and Iran. Earlier, Mr. Trump met with the Polish president Andrzej Duda, whose government has been criticized in some quarters of Europe for limiting press freedom and judicial independence. On North Korea, the president said he’s considering, quote, “very severe things,” in response to the test of an intercontinental ballistic missile. That is, technology that could reach the U.S. with a nuclear weapon. Ahead of tomorrow’s first meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Mr. Trump said Russia and other countries meddled in the 2016 presidential election. In the end, the President said, quote, “nobody really knows the source of the cyber intrusions,” even though at the highest levels of the U.S. intelligence community, they have concluded Moscow was to blame.

And in a nation where press freedoms are in flux, the President eagerly criticized the U.S. media and former President Obama. American presidents traveling abroad typically uphold American values, such as press freedom and the institution of the presidency. Mr. Trump, for his own reasons, did not.