22 squibs in a barrel. A new record?

In one barrel. How this person didn’t realize the bullets weren’t leaving the firearm is unreal.

The FirearmBlog Writes

JP Enterprises out of Hugo, Minnesota, posted a picture of a 9×19 mm barrel cut in half.

The picture caught a lot of attention and I’m sure you can see why. Someone managed to fit no less than twenty-two rounds of 9 mm down the barrel before they gave up!

Just because PCC (Pistol Carbine Competition) is exploding in popularity doesn’t mean that your barrel or firearm has to do the same. Stay safe and check JP’s video below.

TFB asked JP Enterprises if we could use these picture and they kindly agreed.

I inquired what had happened, but there isn’t much more information or facts as how all these 22 roundsgot stuck. We can only speculate until the owner shows up and tells us more. I just hope that no one, other than the barrel, got hurt.

The barrel is JP Enterprises 14.5″ pin-and-weld 9×19 mm. Looks like it’s of good quality and didn’t blow up.

I actually have a JP CTR-02 with a 14.5″ with pinned compensator for 16″ OAL, but it’s in .223 Wylde, and I don’t think stacking round after round of .223:s is a very good idea at all.

Below you can see the pin-welded compensator, zoomed in. If you look carefully you can see some of the threading where the barrel meets the compensator/muzzle brake. Almost seamless, it’s very well done and the quality you can expect from JP.

Here you can see the chamber. By the looks of it the owner could have fitted another round, possibly two before the barrel was completely full.


“Don’t Trash Your PCC With The Wrong Ammo

With PCC exploding in…

Read more!
